There are many different ways you can get involved with our branch, from sparing five minutes to keep us updated about a beer you’ve enjoyed recently, joining us for a pub crawl or social event, or volunteering to help with a campaign, beer festival, or committee role. Whether you can spare only a moment a month or an hour a week; it all helps to make a difference to drive our Campaign forward. We like to think that most members would like to do something to help so that they can get the best out of their CAMRA membership.
What could you do?
Not much time? Stay up to date.
If you can’t join us for an event, then why not stay up to date by subscribing to our branch e-mail? To join send an email to stating your name and membership number and we will sign you up.
Become a beer scorer!
If you’ve enjoyed a pint recently, you can rate the quality of real ale that you’ve drunk in a pub. By just giving a pint of beer a score out of 5, you can have a direct influence on which of our branch area pubs go into the next CAMRA Good Beer Guide. All you need to do is go to WhatPub, login with your CAMRA membership number and password. Find out more at
Help deliver our magazine
The Worcestershire branches of CAMRA produce a free quarterly magazine called Pint Taken which is distributed to pubs by volunteer members. If you visit certain pubs on a regular basis then it’s an ideal opportunity to help spread the news. Please get in touch for more information.
Pop along to a branch meeting
CAMRA runs many campaigns throughout the year; from lobbying MPs and the government for fairer practices for pubs; to undertaking pub surveys to keep our database up to date. To keep members informed, we hold monthly branch meetings to share the latest pub news, give members the opportunity to get involved in campaigns and trips, and also share their views. These meetings are friendly and informal and are held in various pubs across our branch area. Meeting details are in Pint Taken and our branch email. To join send an email to stating your name and membership number.
How about a Beer Festival?
We really do appreciate people volunteering to help at a beer festival; even if it’s just for a couple of hours. You can do anything from serving behind the bar to getting involved in the planning and maybe even managing a section! There are also other tasks such as greeting customers at the entrance, recruiting members and setting up the beer. No experience is necessary as our friendly volunteer members will be on hand to show you the ropes on the day! Please get in touch for more information.
A little more time? Join our volunteer committee!
Our branch has lots of fun jobs that need doing and these offer a great way of using your skills or gaining new ones. Some take a reasonable time commitment, others not so much. As well as a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, we also have roles such as Membership Secretary, Pubs Officer, Magazine Editor, Communications Officer, Social Secretary and cider coordinators and also a Young Member’s Rep. We appoint our branch officers each May at our Annual General Meeting, but everyone is welcome to our committee meetings to see what’s it all about. We’re also looking for a few volunteers to help us out.
So why not get involved?
As you can see, there is something to suit everyone, so why not get involved? Use the Contact Us above or pop along to a branch event. It would be great to see you.